I have loved Alec Baldwin's fat hairy ass since before his current girlfriend was even born. But, I have crossed over to the other side - I am no longer a fan of this elitist, hypocritical, narcissistic buffoon. For years I listened to Baldwin espouse his progressive rhetoric and at times, his seemingly populist rants, I thought he wanted change for this country - I believed in this man - and I was wrong.
Baldwin has been successful and has been paid very well for his efforts and I believe what he does or does not do with his own money is his own business - BUT - the man is a hypocritical fame whore; he Tweets hundreds of times a day, says something outrageous and asinine that gets his name in the paper on a weekly basis, attends highly visible elitist galas, benefits, auctions, blah blah blah and all of that is fine - its his life - but he needs to SHUT THE F*#K UP about wanting to change the direction of this country. He needs to shut his pie hole and stop blasting politicians for being greedy elitists (look in the mirror much Alec?) when, by his actions, he shows he himself to be nothing but a greedy elitist jerk.
Baldwin managed to drag his fat pampered ass down to Zucotti Park nearly a month after the movement started only to talk down to the attendees and lecture them how they were 'wrong', he went on to say “I think capitalism is worthwhile. And capitalism demands the flow of money. So, I think we need to have that. … I do not want capital markets dismantled.” well duh - of course he doesn't - he has a million dollar deal with Capital One to shill for a company that tries to get people to go into debt and then charge them crazy high interest rates . . .does this sound like a responsible thing for a self proclaimed liberal spokesperson to do? I am not advocating the overthrow of the capitalist system - I am pointing out that Baldwin is such an elitist - so out of touch that he himself is a part of the problem. Sure he believes in the flow of money . . . but seemingly only to elitist causes and venues.
When confronted with the hypocrisy of being a corporate huckster, Baldwin's reps said that he would be donating all the proceeds from the Capital One gig to arts and cultural charities. Well OK then, it sounded like a way to mitigate the damages - Yes Alec was being a two faced whore - BUT - he was going to 'stick it to the man' and deserving charities would prosper. Was Alec Baldwin lying . . .well, technically, no. He did donate $1 MILLION to the New York Philharmonic - of which he serves on the board. He did donate $500,000 to Roundabout Theater Company, where Baldwin and his friends frequently appear onstage and tickets cost over $100. And Baldwin did donate $250,000 to the East Hampton Public Library - you KNOW East Hampton, the playground of the rich (Baldwin also happens to be on the library board).
This just shows you, the rich support the rich and the rest of us be damned. I mistakenly thought that Baldwin would be putting his money where it was direly needed, where it could make a real difference - why not a library in the Bronx? How about a few nursing homes, or after school arts programs for low income kids, or help support a free medical clinic for those without access to medical care - there is so much need out there WHY ON EARTH DID ALEC BALDWIN GIVE SO MUCH MONEY TO THOSE WHO NEED IT THE LEAST? Was there not enough glamour involved in supporting truly needy causes? Or was it because he doesn't sit on the boards of those very un-elitist organizations, was he afraid of catching cooties from the common folk, or was it because such an endevour wouldn't afford him a paparazzi laden opportunity to wear a tuxedo and flash his arm candy? Such a missed opportunity to make a real difference in the world of the non-elite, and Alec Baldwin chose to ignore it. That's OK Alec, we the average citizens, the 99% have grown accustomed to being used and lied to - but one of these days we just aren't going to listen to your rhetoric anymore . . . does that make us rude little pigs?
From Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities:
"As to you," said she, "you would shout and shed tears for anything, if it made a show and a noise. Say! Would you not?"
"Truly, madame, I think so. For the moment."
"If you were shown a great heap of dolls, and were set upon them to pluck them to pieces and despoil them for your own advantage, you would pick out the richest and gayest. Say! Would you not?"
"Truly yes, madame."
"Yes. And if you were shown a flock of birds, unable to fly, and were set upon them to strip them of their feathers for your own advantage, you would set upon the birds of the finest feathers; would you not?"
"It is true, madame."
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